Simple Language

Information about the webshop


In the webshop you can order digital images (digital copies).

The webshop is operated via a web browser.

The webshop belongs to the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (SBB).

The SBB creates digital photos and images of its books and other materials.

The images are scanned at the SBB.

Anyone can order digital copies for a fee. To do so, the fields in the online form must be filled in. Anyone can order digitised images in PDF, JPG or TIFF format.

SBB staff will check whether the ordered books can be scanned.

If the books cannot be scanned, you will receive a message.

If the books can be scanned, you will receive a cost estimate.

You have to agree to the estimate and then the books are scanned.

When the digital copy is ready, you will receive an e-mail.

You can now pay in the webshop. You can pay by credit card, by prepayment or by Giropay.

Once you have paid, you will receive a link to download your digital copies.




Notes on the user account


To register for a user account, you need an e-mail address and a password.

A secure password has

-  least 12 characters long 

- 1 digit

- 1 upper case letter

- 1 lower case letter 

- 1 special character

In the user account you will find all your data.

In the user account you can find your own personal data under Account Information.

Under My Orders you can see your orders. Under Digital Copies you can download your digital copies.